Screenshot of Alkemion Studio v0.6.5

Alkemion Studio v0.6.5

Hey everyone! We’ve just released a small update, introducing some bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements!


  • Context menus now open on “mouse up” events instead of “mouse down”.
  • Empty Nodes in the Editor’s page now display a “Start typing…” placeholder.
  • The Editor’s Node Tree now displays circles instead of grip lines when the node selection is filtered and the user isn’t allowed to drag nodes.
  • The app now displays a helpful error message when the user tries to access a deleted or nonexistent module.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the user could select a token behind a locked token by clicking through said locked token.
  • Removed a superfluous close button in Random Table content modal on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue on mobile where closing the modal showing the content of a random table would close the previous Random Table selection modal and would automatically assign that random table to the node.
  • Fixed an issue where new reader links would be created with legacy “studio-beta” URLs.
  • Fixed “Confirm” button on mobile color picker that wasn’t working.