Screenshot of Alkemion Studio v0.6.6

Alkemion Studio v0.6.6

Hi, all! Some new exciting features coming your way with this update!

New Major Features:

  • Custom Random Tables! You can now create and edit your very own custom tables through a simple editor that allows you to set the title of your table, its featured image, and its items. Each item can have its own title, featured image, and a description. You’re now free to choose between community random tables, and your own!
  • Added a new “Asset Library” that allows you to browse through templates, random-tables, images, icons and masks. You can now freely browse Alkemion Studio’s assets and manage your own in the Asset Library, and you can also directly add these assets to your board in various ways (based on the nature of each asset).

New Minor features:

  • You can now choose to render the board’s user interface fully opaque. Go to your module’s settings ( ⚙️ button in the top-right toolbar), and edit the ‘Board UI Background’. This is a module-level setting that will only be applied to that module. We have also reworked the ‘blurred’ background to make it more legible regardless of the board’s color and increase accessibility.
  • You can now pan the board using right-click+move with a mouse.


  • The base UI font color is now brighter to ensure high enough contrast for better accessibility.
  • Links between tokens now automatically switch color between white and black based on the brightness of the board’s color so that they’re always visible.
  • When the user opens a node’s info window by hovering the mouse above its token, clicking the token will now close that window so that it doesn’t keep getting in the way.
  • Clicking on a locked token will now display a grayed-out selection border to make its behavior clearer and easier to understand.
  • Token selection lines will now automatically adapt to the board’s color so that they’re always clearly visible.
  • Added “Travel to Module” button to module anchor context menus in the Anchor Tree.
  • Login and Signup forms now display error messages when an invalid email is entered.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where context menus would linger after closing modals.
  • Fixed ‘magnifying glass’ button that did not work on bookmarked icons and masks in the Image Browser.
  • Fixed escape key in the Editor not closing context menus, despite closing the Editor itself.
  • Fixed a bug where tall context menus would overflow vertically on certain screen sizes.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the layout of a token near the edges of the board would cause it to overflow if its new layout was bigger than the previous one.
  • When changing the layout of a token, it will now be properly nested/unnested inside/from any groups behind it depending on its new size.
  • Fixed featured image alignment and featured images not scaling properly when scaling a token using the “diamond” layout.
  • Fixed some responsiveness issues with the Image Browser on smaller screens.
  • Fixed the ‘Roll Random Table’ button next to tokens so that they: do not open the node’s info window on hover, cannot be dragged, and aren’t animated upon roll.
  • Fixed a bug where you could set a module’s title to a blank space and that would prevent you from changing the module name again after it was saved.