Alkemion Studio v0.9.0

Hey, folks! New update, and it’s a big one! The first Links update! We’ve been working very hard on redesigning the node linking system and we’re very happy to finally release a first batch of brand new features! This update also includes a new Node management interface we’ve been working on that you’ll now have access to: the Node Table!

New Major Features:

  • Node Linking Redesign – Step 1
    We have redesigned the node linking system to provide a more intuitive and customizable approach. This is the first step towards increasing the amount of things you can do with links, future updates will bring even more features! We’ve written a blog post explaining where we intend to take node links in the future.
    Here’s a summary of what today’s update brings:
    • Node Links now work in an analogous way to Nodes and Tokens. That is to say that you can have links between nodes, without necessarily displaying them on the board, and you can choose to add Node Link Tokens to the board to show those connections.
    • This also makes it possible to have multiple Links between Nodes! If you double click on a Link Token on the board, open its context menu, or go the Linked Nodes panel of the Node Info floating window, you’ll be able to open a special window listing the Links that you have created between two Nodes. That is where you will be able to add, remove links, and change the name of each. In future updates, this is where you’ll also be able to manage additional meta data such as direction, descriptions, slotted nodes for each Link (cf. blog post on that), etc.
    • While you can still link nodes through menus, you can now link them visually directly from the board! When you select a Node Token, you’ll notice four handles floating around it from which you’ll be able to drag a new link and drop it directly on the token of the node you want to link it to!
    • Up until now, links on the board automatically decided which tokens to link, and the only way to change the target tokens of said links was through an unintuitive menu inside the Token Settings floating window. We have scrapped that system, and you can now directly move existing Link Tokens on the board to change which side of the Node Token they connect to, and to which Node Token (choosing a side will make it stick to that specific side, while targeting the center of the token will tell the app to choose the closest side). Please note that it is not yet possible to move a Link Token from a Node’s Token to another Node’s Token, we will implement that feature in a future update. In the meantime, you can move Link Tokens to change the side which they connect to.
    • And now, probably the most requested feature: Link Token customization! By opening a Link Token’s context menu and clicking “Token Settings”, you’ll have access to a settings window allowing you to customize that specific Link Token! Current customization options include color, style (solid, dashed, dotted), width and opacity. Later updates will bring further customization options, such as displaying direction, slotted nodes, anchor shapes, etc.
    • To sum up:
      • Node Links and Link Tokens.
      • Multiple Links between Nodes with meta data.
      • Visual Link creation and configuration directly from the board.
      • Link Token customization.
  • Node Table: We’ve added a new interface displaying a detailed view of your module’s Nodes in a table format. This will allow you to manage and modify your Nodes in a more efficient way.
    • The table lets you browse through your nodes, filter and sort them to get a better overview of your whole module in a more data-oriented way. We believe this will be particularly useful to manage tags, links, random tables, and more.
    • This interface can be viewed full-screen, or as a floating window on the board, with a handy button to snap it into a corner, so that it fits neatly next the Editor. This combination allows you to have more control over the content of your module.
    • Just like the Editor, you can cycle between the different Node Table display modes with a keyboard shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + L.

New Features:

  • Two new filters are available in every search bar: linked/unlinked nodes and nodes with/without content.
  • 1500+ curated icons have been added to the Library, mostly suitable for modern settings.


  • User can now directly open in the Editor a Node that is flagged as ‘hidden’ in the Page. The Node will be displayed and available for editing with a visual cue reminding that it’s not featured in the overall Page.
  • Creating a Node from the Editor’s Node Tree will scroll the tree to the new Node and highlight it.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t create a widget from an icon in the library by using the “+” button.
  • Fixed a bug where the Alkemion logo’s color wouldn’t be reset when going back to the lobby.
  • Fixed a bug with the Node’s scratchpad autosave reactivity when inside a floating window.
  • Fixed a visual bug where the browser’s cursor would be set to pointer on a node’s featured image in reader mode in the Node’s meta panel.
  • Adjusted the Node Info floating window height to properly contain every element.