Hey, everyone! First update of the year!
New Major Feature:
- Module Duplication: you can now duplicate any of your Modules as well as any Shared Modules that allow it. This will make things easier for users who were using Templates to duplicate their Modules. This development also provides some foundations for further features such as automatic Module versioning (that will let users consult or restore previous versions).
New Features:
- The Editor now supports “task list” checkboxes. Checkboxes can be added with a button in the Editor’s toolbar, or inline with the markdown “[ ]” shortcut. An additional setting will be provided in a future release to have a line-through decoration over the checked items.

- In relation to the Module Duplication feature, you can now allow others to copy a Shared Module in their account. This is a first step towards further community sharing features and collaborative features.
- A new Board setting allows you to set the default open tab in Node Information floating window. Depending on where you are in your workflow, you may need the Node Info window to quickly access the “Links” tab to update the connections of your Nodes, or you may just want to focus at the “Content” tab. As changing tabs every time you switch Nodes can be cumbersome, switching the default open tab based on your current activity can smooth things up.
- You can now modify the opacity of any (non-group) Node Token thanks to a new slider in the Token Settings window.
- We’ve increased the zoom limit so you can zoom out more and – depending on your screen resolution – make your whole board fit in the viewport.
- Changed ‘My Images’ label to ‘Your Images’ in the Library for language consistency.
Bug Fixes / Optimizations:
- Fixed a bug where undoing the import of a template in a Board would not remove Link Anchors.
- We’ve added a mention in the ‘About Image’ modal when no meta-data is available to make sure it’s not perceived as a bug.